Sunday, November 24, 2019

Marketing Plan Essays

Marketing Plan Essays Marketing Plan Essay Marketing Plan Essay Marketing Plan Prepared: April 2013 Table of Contents The Business 6 S. W. O. T. Analysts 8 Strengths 8 Weaknesses 8 An international not for profit organization with 10 years of federal support 8 Two other successful services like camp to belong and TFH camps the age group of programs is the widest range age group compared to all non-profit human services organization in Australia (age group : 7-25) 8 Rely heavily on government grants and funding Low public awareness compared to competitors They do not get enough funding as they wish to achieve their goals and visions. 8 Opportunities 8 Threats 8 Corporate Sponsorship Lifestyle solutions Programs/services in high demand 8 National disability grant National disability insurance scheme Scholarships Crime prevention funding 8 Work for experience program Other organization with similar visions (appendix one) Any NFG organization SEEKING government funding that lifestyle solutions applies for (appendix one) If implementation is poor then, it could result in lack of quality in their programs (could be expanding to fast) 8 S. W. O. T. Activity sheet 9 The Future (appendix five) 11 Vision statement: 11 Mission statement: 1 1 The Market 12 Market Environment 12 Product Review: Our company, Cupcake Hut offers the following features. Product sum includes: Fresh cupcake (with variants) Coffee Tea (with variants) Services: Free Wi-If connectivity Party celebrations Home delivery Online reserved tables Indoor games (snooker etc) Environment: fully air-conditioned and comfortable sitting environment with soft voice of music. In terms of Environment. Segment Demands and Corresponding features: Targeted Segment Customer Demands Corresponding features Professionals (consumer market) Place to serve their guest in comfortable atmosphere. Wi-if connectivity to discuss businesses. Middle class family Family gathering and celebration of parties (birthday etc) Cakes on offer. Decorated environment. Competitive Review: Competitors Ta regret Segments Features Cafe-al-Feared Middle class Fast food, lunch and dinner. Crowded environ meet. Don Restaurant NO standardize class Tea and snacks. Outdoor. KEF High class families Fast food. Self purchase. Pizza Town High class middle class Operating in fast food. SOOT Analysis : Strength: Variants in Cupcakes, tea and coffee High quality in terms of freshness It can be made with any type of design according to our consumers desire. Weakness: Parking problem quality maintenance is difficult for each product new business high rent cost Opportunities: Trend is increasing for cupcake parties rather than traditional cakes. No any other cupcake business. Availability of cupcakes for home parties. Office demonstration. The read: local bakeries sustainability issue Objectives and Issues: We have set profitable and achievable objectives for the first and second years of market entry. First year objective: we are aiming to have 25,584 unit sales in the initial year for break even. Second year objective: As we will create customer value within a year so for he second year we are aiming to have 35,000 unit sales. Issues: We have to invest heavily in market to create distinctive image with tuff competition. As our company is a new concept so we will have to make more efforts for awareness and promotion Champaign. Marketing Strategy: Positioning: We are positioning our company in terms of environment by providing fresh, friendly and professional environment for our target customers. Product Strategy: Our product, cupcake is having one day life.

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